Saturday 10 August 2013

Challenge a challenge

Here i am thinking iv got this in the bag!
Ever so optimistic i must remain..............
My business idea is coming along nicely having evolved over a short time, stock has been ordered and there is a website (currently under construction) and well ... this is where things have hovered for about two weeks. Writing this is good therapy.

Being mindfull i can observe this as a possible "break stage" something we all experience at one time or another, for many on a regular basis, the stage where fear and doubt creeps in making you question your own dreams.  We are the creators of our lives and that is our power. bring back the love, love of one another and love of self. I am 100% the answer to all of my questions. I think Its all perception the glass half full thang.
My Reason: lack of knowledge and fear of failure.
My Solution: Learn more and don't be afraid to make a few mistakes, thats how we grow and learn too!
My Affirmation: I am my solution , my mind is open to receiving answers. I am supported.

So for now I am enhancing the can-do zone, affirmations are excellent for growing a positive mindset to settle the defeatist little voice that occasionally rents room in my head, small but mindful meditation is also great and I figure like a seed It will grow I am planting many seeds and growing new habits until eventually I am sure my glass will remain cotinuously full, because life should be amazing.

I am visualising my desired outcome.
I am reciting positive affirmations.
I will remain committed to making the dream my reality.
I will keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Wednesday 31 July 2013

I can see clearly

Whoosh......describes the past 3 weeks perfectly! A whirlwind of school holidays, sick children,homework assignments, business webinars, and product tracking along side my everyday homely duties. I'm not complaining I feel like superwomen! these past few weeks have been enlightening i have learnt what can be accomplished when we focus on the solutions instead of the problem, Sounds so simple yet its taken me my life to truly understand.
short and sweet, just keep stepping.

Do something everyday your future self will thank you for ~ author unknown.

Sunday 7 July 2013

choice is the variable

Realising I'm not much of a writer when your trying to write a blog is a little discerning ,much like the business I'm starting with no experience........ Absolutely! Once upon a time i would have given up and hid but things have changed for me and it came from finally listening to the internal voice with the clues, we all get these clues to help us live the life of our dreams choice is the variable. I pledge I wont give up, i will get much better and no regrets.
Just to point out the synchronicitys in my life, the lady i last worked for was a well published journalist/small business owner i had the privilege of meeting many of her journalist and lawyer friends, the tutor of my business course is a journalist/"recovered lawyer" (her words) and my assigned mentor happens to be well experienced in setting up web sites (my current road block).
The authentic me gets educated I certainly have the support its just a case of asking. Just writing this down has me feeling very blessed. 
A problem is only as big as we choose to make it, my experience says the answer is always within our reach.

Saturday 6 July 2013

life is your creation

Going through some half used scrap paper books today i found something id written almost a year ago so in the spirit of sharing....
Did there ever come a time when you realised life is your creation.
Your loves,your loss.
All your worries encouraged and brought forward.
We are powerful
We are energy
Our entire bodies reduce to a molecule.
like a magnet we summon .
what surrounds, we inhibit.
All our thoughts and actions who we are the life we lead.
Believing we are products of our surroundings.
The loved child
The teenager rebels
The adult who chooses to try ,excels.
Only during living we learn
love life's lessons, love life.

  1. I'm digging all the synchronicity in my life.
  2. And yay i have made a start on my website design.
  3. keep stepping;)

Friday 5 July 2013

The mind is a powerful force

"The mind is a powerful force which can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use that power wisely."   David Cuschieri.
Sometimes i need reminding and i always come across these things at exactly the rite time, sharing is caring:)

Thursday 4 July 2013

The rite guidance.

Well,  didn't eat the frog as i was supposed to my website remains inactive for the time being. But Iv got all these ideas popping into my head if i feel stuck & need guidance i just ask and listen for that little voice, Not the crazy one the other one & when it feels good i go with it......simple! There really is something in trusting your instincts, taking that inspired action & living in the moment! Now, i appreciate the little things and all of a sudden life is full of wonders i see just how blessed i am.  The other day i was on the net and came across an add for on sale business cards and that lil voice said "opportunity! so i took it ,spent hours getting them just rite but it felt good (that's the trick i think, it must feel good) i received them today they look fantastic I'm absolutely stoked! Happy dance moment.... a step at a time one foot in front of the other takes you a long way!! I'm walking to Disneyland....

  1. MUST work on website, work on website & work on website!!!!
  2. think about presentation for market stall. (course opportunity) perfect for giving out my business cards.
  3. wait for delivery of products.
  4. keep paper close by for all these ideas!

Tuesday 2 July 2013

The time has come

The sky is blue its a beautiful day.
Feeding the baby in the lounge I can hear my girls outside talking and laughing, while master two is doing his best to be the centre of attention ,bless him.
So this is me seizing the moment to write in my new age journal.  Great news!
I ordered products yesterday !!(A class mate would call this a "happy dance moment"............ Done :)
In my bio I describe my product as "A wonderfully eclectic range" pretty much a mix of things.  The product i really love is out of my price range at the moment so I'm building up to it by pitting one foot in front of the other a step at a time i have faith il get there.

  1. Must target my web site today! As my tutor says "eat the frog" I shall eat frogs!